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Lee, Jane, Skippy, Danny,Jock, Rob,Sam and Rocky were privileged to know such an inspirational little girl that pulled at our hearts for many a years always trying to help others and raising money for charities close to her heart from a tender age even going through chemo treatment herself.   Shaving her own hair off for her charities not just for the money but to make people aware only 20 weeks later when sadly she lost her fight against the battle she fought for 10years with always a smile on her face and her motto in life was HHHFFFAS!! (Happy, happy,happy,fun,fun,fun,always smile!!).  Please watch raining in my heart on the 15th April 2015 at 10.35pm on ITV to get more of an insight into this unique inspirational little girl who in her memory we would like to raise as much money for Sophie's charities. Gone but will never be forgotten HHHFFFAS!!




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